
A client who runs a manufacturing business approached us to help them automate and convert their raw documents into informational records. They wanted a solution to provide the route for auditors to assess the overall quality of operations.

CDS Solution Approach

Prospect Database Cleansing


We developed a system named Attesta to automate business records using an AI engine, and derive information and knowledge from those records. The system can take any document format - from quality assurance documents, SOP documentation, to batch records - to create a relation and generate output built on entities (report) based on the user’s needs.

New Prospect Identification


We focused on making it easy for clients to extract their desired output based on the data fed to the engine. When the user enters data, the AI machine checks for its validity after which the user can choose to generate reports. After OCR, the engine captures data depending on each field ranging from the bill of materials, raw materials specifications, standard operating procedures, etc. It then sends it to the report engine where a report is generated based on the parameters set by the user and transfers it to an analytical engine where the required analytics are collected/extracted to provide a thorough knowledge of the history and the present status of the manufacturing batches.


  • The user can customize the flow of details to be generated in the same order.
  • The user can request customization with the hosts, after which, any number of records is automated and saved to cater to industry needs.
  • A timeline is generated based on the dates and events available in that particular document
  • These reports automatically generate a glossary and create tags for the user to view similar keywords on different pages.


In the end, the client saw the real benefits of our AI system that understands the scanned report by reading through the lines and identifying its relevance irrespective of direct specification. This AI system can take any document format to create a relation and generate output.

Interested in working with us?

CAP Digisoft would be more than happy to support and help you derive information and knowledge with our AI engine. Our experts combine experience with technology to make it easy for you to convert your raw documents into informational records.

Send us an email at and we’ll be happy to help you.

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